name: Dario surname: Siniscalco

Telephone: 0815667664


Nationality: ITALY

Educational and Training 


  • 2000 Master of Science in Chemistry, final thesis in Biological Chemistry, University of Naples "Federico II", Naples, Italy.
  • 2004 PhD in Pharmacological Sciences, Second University of Naples,  

Present Position: 

  • Biochemist, Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Campania (formerly Second University of Naples), Italy;

Main Work Experiences: 

  • 2004/2006 Post-doc and Project Researcher - Group Leader, Department of Experimental Medicine, division of Pharmacology, School of Medicine and Surgery, Second University of Naples (SUN);
  • 2003/2004 Visiting research associate, Department of Pathology, division of Neuropathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), AL, USA.
  • 2000/2004 PhD candidate in Pharmacological Sciences (XVI cycle), Department of Experimental Medicine, division of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology and division of Pharmacology, School of Medicine and Surgery, Second University of Naples: molecular biology of apoptosis and neurodegeneration in CNS in a model of neuropathic pain in rat.
  • 2000/2001 Trainee Chemist at the Toxicological Chemistry Lab of Regional Agency for Environmental Protection, Naples
  •  1998/2000 Internee student at the Biologically Active Molecules Lab, Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry, School of Sciences, University of Naples "Federico II".
  • Membership:
  • Order of the Chemists of Campania, Italy (# 1385). 
  • National Council for Chemistry. 
  • Council of International Association of Neurorestoratology (IANR). 
  • IANR Journal Committee. 
  • Founder and Board of Directors member of Stem Cell Research Italy.
  • EuCheMS (European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences) database of Chemical Scientists.
  • Italian Group for Autism Study.
  • Autism Interdisciplinary Working Group.
  • Cell Death Research Group - University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA.
  • Italian Pharmacological Society.
  • Scientific Association ChemWeb. InnoCentive web-based Scientific Solvers Community. International Life Science Forum Scientist Solution. 
  •  Former: Italian Scientific Association "LABoratoristi Ed Utilizzatori Tecniche Analitiche"; Italian Association for the Study of Pain. 

Member of the following Editorial Boards

Editor in Chief: Autism OpenAccess. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Research. Associate editor: Brain Science Advances.

Editorial board member: Cell Transplantation. Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications. AIMS Molecular Science. Journal of Stem Cells and Genetics. Journal of Regenerative Medicine. Translational Neuroscience and Clinics.  Annals of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Neurology and Psychology. Neurodegenerative Diseases: Current Research.



Expression methods for heterologous proteins; chemical and mechanical cellular lysis; sonication; protein extraction and purification; SDS PAGE; Western blotting; dot immunobinding; methods for the determination of protein concentration; analysis of protein activity; ELISA assay.


Genetic engineering, technology of DNA recombination. Enzymatic catalysis on DNA; gene cloning; extraction and purification of plasmidic and genomic DNA; extraction and purification of RNA (from cell culture, tissue, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections); PCR; RT-PCR; Real Time PCR;iScript system; primers design; DNA sequencing; DNA and RNA gel electrophoresis; methods for the determination of nucleic acids concentration; methods for studying gene expression variation. RNA silencing. Using of mice knock out.


ATCC accredited user. Stem cell culture, human mesenchymal bone marrow-derived stem cell culture; cell culture (bacteria, neuronal, viral); human monocytes; human tumour cells; human osteoclast cells; co-culture systems; growth curves; preparation of competent cells; chemical transformation; electroporation; coniugation; viral infection and amplification; chemical and physical sterilization. In vitro methods for studying apoptosis.


HPLC; GC-MS; UV-VIS spectrophotometry; solvent extraction.


Immunoistochemistry; immunocytochemistry; fixation, dehydration/hydration; slides preparation; using of criotome and microtome; optical microscopy; fluorescent microscopy; antigen retrieval; double/triple staining; signal amplification (i.e. cy3, cy3 plus, strep-cy3, FITC, DAPI, Quantum Dots, TSA); TUNEL reaction. Multi-label quantum dot immunohistochemical detection procedure.


Data analysis; preparing data for presentation in peer-reviewed journals and at professional meetings; preparing of manuscripts for submission to peer-reviewed journals. Preparing of lab meeting, progress reports, talks, grant proposals. Chairman activity. Tutor activity for internal students. Lab safety.

Computer skills: 

PubMed, ChemSketch, Macplasmap, Chemfinder, Molecular Analyst (BioRad), Quantity One (BioRad), Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), FASTA, PROW (Protein Reviews on the Web), Lasergene (DNASTAR), EditSeq, Oligo 4.05 (Primer Analysis Software - National Biosciences), Primer Express (Applied Biosystems), CLC DNA Workbench, Beacon Designer 3.01 (Premier Biosoft International), MicroPlate Manager (BioRad), KJ-Junior (Bio-Tek), Soft Max Pro (Molecular Devices), Axiovision 2.0 e 3.1 (Zeiss), IM1000 (Leica), NanoDrop 3.0.0, NanoDrop 1000 V 3.2.1, Image 3.0 Lab, GelDoc EZ Imager (BioRad).

Research interests:

Main current research interests:

  • Gene expression changes in autism disorders. Protease activation in autism. Cellular events in autism.
  • Stem cell activation. Use of human mesenchymal stem cells as therapeutic tool in autism and neurodegeneration.
  • Studying of neuronal apoptosis. Role of bcl-2 family, caspases, and cell cycle regulator genes.
  • Stem cells therapy for the neuronal recovery after central and peripheral nervous system injury.
  • Apoptotic genes expression. Apoptosis and neuropathic pain. Role of reactive oxygen species in apoptosis.
  • Molecular regulation of neural stem cell death. Apoptosis in neural precursor cells.
  • Osteoclastic cell activation.
  • Role of metabotropic glutamate receptors in the neuropathic pain pathway. Role of ozone in neuropathic pain treatment.
  • Role of metabotropic glutamate receptors in the asthma.
  • Protein expression at low temperature.

Selected Publications:

He authored 112 articles (H-index 32, more than 2890 citations by Scopus; H-index 37, more than 4600 citations by Scholar)

ORCID: Full publication list

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